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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


About Us

About DnD Fabric

DnD Fabric is attempting to revive America's rich textile traditions on online medium. Our brand in collaboration with modern designers is constantly inspiring creative people to achieve stand-out boho and fusion designs in both clothing and home furnishing. Even more, traditional fabric merchant heritage of founding team allows us to pay meticulous attention while curating each piece of fabric that we exhibit at our online store. These fabrics are sourced directly from the masters of the traditional craft and even from the traditional keepers.


We have been in this business for the past 3 decades with an established presence in America's biggest wholesale market. Our retail web store are well known in export houses and garment manufacturers. We specialize in supplying high quality products to fabricators and apparel manufacturers.

Already listed as one of America's biggest importers of beads and stones, our product expertise and knowledge is deep with a keen focus on new and emerging trends in the world of fashion.

Why Work With Us

We cater to very specific needs of the following industries - apparel / fashion, bags, belts, fashion accessories and jewellery to name a few.

Product discovery – Find the latest designs on the market instantly. Choose from 1000s of products

One Stop Shop – Find everything you need under the same roof.

Order for Sampling – Check our product quality and colour before the production stage.

Our endeavour is to use technology as an enabler to organize the supply chain for fashion designers, fabric designers, bag and shoe designers and craft makers.

Through an extensive supplier network, we are able to ensure that shape, size or colour never becomes a limiting factor for our clients. You will always find something new on our webstore.

 We strive to achieve the highest level of “Customer Satisfaction” possible. Our order fulfilment and delivery teams ensure that your products reach you as soon as they are ready whilst our customer engagement team believes in supportive collaboration with our clients for mutual growth.